Jorge A. Pérez
Associate professor (adjunct hoogleraar, tenured), University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Leader, Fundamental Computing group. (See our group's portrait "The Power of Logic in Computation", at the I/O Magazine.)
Member of the board / Head of department Computer Science, Bernoulli Institute.
My CV // DBLP // Google Scholar // ORCID // ACM DL.
Email: j.a.perez/at/
Research Interests
Rigorous programming models with concurrency (in particular, process calculi) and their verification techniques.
Type systems for concurrency (in particular, session types) and their logical foundations.
The expressive power of models of concurrency, both typed and untyped.
Current students
For a full list of past students and postdocs, please click here.
Recent papers
Information and Computation: Minimal Session Types for the pi-calculus (Arslanagic, Pérez, Palamariuc)
CONCUR 2024: Around Classical and Intuitionistic Linear Processes (Jaramillo, Frumin, Pérez)
MFPS 2024: Typed Non-determinism in Concurrent Calculi: The Eager Way (Van den Heuvel, Paulus, Nantes-Sobrinho, Pérez)
For a full list, please click here.
Recent talks
LIPN, Paris (LoVe seminar): Around Classical and Intuitionistic Linear Processes
IRIF, Paris (La syntaxe rencontre la sémantique): The Expressiveness of Session Types
CONCUR 2024: Around Classical and Intuitionistic Linear Processes
ESSLLI 2024 (Foundational Course): Propositions as Sessions
ITRS 2024: Intersection Types Meet Session Types
ICE 2024 (Invited talk): Asynchronous Session-Based Concurrency
Dutch Formal Methods Day 2024: A Logical Basis for the Verification of Message-Passing Programs
Forum Numerica (Invited seminar): Asynchronous Session-Based Concurrency: Deadlock-Freedom in Cyclic Process Networks
Dagstuhl Seminar 24051 - Next Generation Protocols for Heterogeneous Systems: Router-based Analysis of Multiparty Protocols